my 2 year old always ends up in the bed with me in the mornings most of the time which i dont mind because she sleeps in her bed most of the night.... but the other morning she woke up and she woke me up by rubbing my face and saying goodmorning mommy...... i told her to go back to sleep because i wasnt ready to wake up and she told me no.... i said please hannah and she said i love you mommy.... so guess what i had to get up...... She knows how to play me but i guess that is what they do..... it was just so sweet that she did that she is very smart for a 2 year old.. Dj used to sing the good morning song to me when he wanted me to get up in the mornings and i would have to get up..... it is just amazing that no matter hom mad you get at your kids, they always forget it a few minutes later...... I love my kids so much and sometimes i just want to run away... but then they come up and say mommy i am sorry i love you....... i want them to stay little forever because i dont want them to grow up and leave......... i dont want them to grow up and get into bad things or hang around bad people...... but how do you know when you are raising them right my kids do get spanked i will not lie........ i dont beat my kids.... not that i dont want to sometimes but i dont believe in it...... but i try to explain why they get into trouble everytime they do something that needs explaing..... i pray for them everynight and everyday they usually dont leave my side....... i hate to break promises to them and i usually dont unless i really have to........ i believe in teaching them to respect me as well and others around them. and as long as i am around them they will respect others....... i dont let bad influences around them because then they think they can do stupid things and worst of all i let them get scrapes and bruises when they are doing something that isnt dangerous and you want to know what they usually dont do it again......... i dont let them do anything dangerous.... my son is a daredevil...... he will try almost anything we have a ramp in our yard it is attached to our storage building and dj will take his red radio flyer wagon and ride down the ramp.... he is crazy but he learns that somethings he does are dangerous before the goes through with them.... hannah on the other hand she is the monkey and will climb anything she can.... but they are great kids...... they have their faults like hannah is a slob like me lol . but dj i can tell him to clean up his toys and most of the time he does...... well anyway i think i will let all you go for now just like talking about my kids and me...............